Add User
Only Super Administrators and Administrators can add users.
Complete the following steps to add a user:
1. Go to [] at the top right corner of the Deep Freeze Cloud Console.
2. Select User Management.
3. Click Add User.
4. Specify the value for the following:
> First Name
> Last Name
> Email
> Sites
> Groups (Deep Freeze Limited Administrator only)
> Features (Administrator only)
~ Allow User Management
~ Allow AD User Management
~ Manage Handout
~ Manage General Settings
~ Manage Deep Freeze
~ Manage Deep Freeze Mac
~ Manage Data Igloo
~ Manage Software Updater
~ Manage Anti-Executable
~ Manage WINSelect
~ Manage Cloud Sync
~ Manage Usage Stats
~ Manage Incident Reporting
~ Manage Power Save
~ Manage Anti-Virus
~ Manage Imaging
~ Manage Remote
~ Manage Ticketing
> Action (Deep Freeze Limited Administrator and Teacher Administrator only)
> Tags
> Permission – assign the permission from the drop-down.
~ Allow Deep Freeze Actions – This option is only available for Remote Connect Only Administrators. When selected, this will enable Remote Connect Only Administrators to perform Deep Freeze Actions on computers.
~ Allow Upgrade Services – This option is only available for Remote Connect Only Administrators. When selected, this will allow Remote Connect Only Administrators to update outdated services on computers. When enabled, the Upgrade Services will be performed regardless of the maintenance mode configuration under the policy.
The following table explains the permission for each type of User Role:
User Roles | Super Administrator | Administrator | Reporting Administrator | Deep Freeze Limited Administrator | Teacher Administrator | Remote Connect Only Administrator |
Widgets | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | | |
Manage Features | Yes | Yes | | | | |
Manage Policies | Yes | Optional | | | | |
Manage Groups | Yes | Yes | | | | |
Upgrade | Yes | Yes | | | | |
Delete Computers | Yes | Yes | | | | |
Reports | Yes | Yes | Yes | | | |
Utilities | Yes | Yes | | | | |
My Profile | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
User Management | Yes | Optional | | | | |
Help and Support | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | | |
Deep Freeze on Demand | Yes | Yes | | Yes | | |
Task Management | Yes | Yes | | Yes | | |
My Sites | Yes | Yes | | Yes | | |
Handout | Yes | Optional | | | Yes | |
Remote Connect | Yes | Yes | | | | Yes |
5. Disabled – When selected, the user account will be disabled and not be able to log in.
6. Click OK.