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The Computers tab displays the list of all computers with the Imaging service enabled in the policy.
To display each stage of the deployment in the order of the deployment status for easier monitoring, click on Grid Options > Detailed View slider.
Click on Grid Options > View Search And Filter slider and right-click on the header of each column to sort. Enter a parameter in the Search field to search a particular column. You can also filter by clicking the filter icon.
The following information is displayed:
Computer Name – Displays the computer name.
Policy – Displays the current policy for the computer.
Group – Displays the group to which the computer belongs. By default, the computer is assigned to the Default group.
Tags – Displays all tags assigned to the computer.
OS Type – Displays the Operating System installed on the computer.
Image Caching – Displays when the computer is Ready for Imaging.
Hover your mouse on the cell to display the tooltip that lists the image caching information for the targeted computer. When the computer is Ready for Imaging, you have the option to Image Computer or Delete Image.
Last Deployment Package – Displays the last package deployed to the computer.
Last Deployed On – Displays when the last deployment was performed.
Toolkits – WinPE Debug Mode, Remove Specific Appx Packages
When an imaging action is initiated, an XML file containing the Imaging action (Apply or Capture Image), Imaging Server name, and FICAgent user password is created in the Windows Temp folder. The Imaging utility parses this file and prepares the machines for the specified imaging action by communicating with the Shared folder on the Imaging Server and copying the boot.wim file to the machine.
When the Imaging task fails, detailed logs are created under the Windows Temp folder and copied to Imaging Server Network share under a specific folder.
Once the machine RAM boots in the WinPE, it again communicates with the network share folder on the Imaging Server.
When performing Apply Image, a shared network folder is required to fetch the actual image (install.wim).
When performing Capture Image, a shared network folder is required to copy the captured image onto the shared network folder.
During WinPE Mode, ImagingHelper.exe is run from drive X (the RAM Drive). The ImagingHelper.log is also created under drive X and copied to C: under the Windows Temp folder.
Prerequisites – Required Conditions, BitLocker Check, User Profile Redirections, Network Check
Server Connection – Contacting Imaging Server, Calculating Disk Space Requirement, Downloading Agent, Copying Boot Image
Pre-install – Preparing PE Image, Sysprep is in Progress, About to RAM Boot
Installation Status – Started Pre-install Environment, Contacting Imaging Server, Preparing Disk, Applying/capturing Image, Installing Device Drivers, Editing Captured Image, Uploading Captured Image, Finalizing
A failed task during the imaging process will be displayed with an orange cell background. Hover over the cell with the failed task to display the tooltip describing the failed action. A warning status will be displayed in orange text. You can choose to Retry, Clear Status, view/download Logs, or Override Warning.
Click Retry to retry the failed task on the selected computer.
Click Clear Status to clear the failed status on the selected computer.
Click Logs > View Sysprep Errors to view detailed information.
Click Logs > Download Sysprep Logs to download the log files.
Click Override Warning to clear the warning status on the selected computer.
Action Toolbar
Action Toolbar for Computers
To view the Action Toolbar for a computer, click on the computer name.
Computer Actions – Click Remote to allow RDP or VNC on the selected computer, Shutdown the computer, or Restart the computer.
Deep Freeze Actions – Select to reboot the computer in Frozen or Thawed state.
When selecting to reboot the computer in Thawed state, you have the option to Thaw Computer(s) for Next X Restarts and assign the number of restarts (up to a maximum of 99 restarts).
For example, when you assign ’3’ as the number of restarts, the computer will remain in a Thawed state after rebooting the next 3 times.
You also have the option to Lock Keyboard and Mouse after rebooting the computer.
Windows Updates – Click Patch Scan to perform a scan of Windows Updates installed or outstanding on the computer.
Image Computer – Click Image Computer and select the Deployment Package to image the selected computer.
> Queueing Options – Set the maximum number of computers to be imaged at the same time. We recommend setting up to 5 computers for simultaneous deployment at a time.
Capture Image – Click Capture Image to create an Image of the selected computer. Note that capturing 32-bit image is not supported.
Image Caching
> Prepare for Imaging – Click this option to prepare the computer for image caching. by selecting a Deployment Package. The image will be stored in a partition on the local drive.
> Image from Cache – This option will be available once the computer has the image cached. Select this option to image the computer from the cache.
> Delete Cached Image – Select this option to delete the cached image from the local drive.
Tag Computer – Displays the tags assigned to the computer, or assign new tags if desired.
Remove Agent – Click Remove Agent to remove the Cloud Agent and all services from the target computer. When the Cloud Agent is removed, you will need to re-install it on the computer to see the computer on the console.
You can perform actions for multiple computers by clicking on beside the computer name in the Action Toolbar. Select the computers from the drop-down list and click Select Computers, or click Select All Computers to select all the computers. Only online computers will be reflected in the Action Toolbar.