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Maintenance Period
Select one of the following options for the Maintenance Period:
Disable – This is the default option. The Cloud Agent Maintenance Period will be disabled.
Enable (Inherit settings from Faronics Default policy) – select this option to inherit the maintenance settings from the Faronics Default policy. Selecting this option allows you to automatically distribute Maintenance Period settings across multiple policies.
Enable (Use below settings) – select this option if you do not want to inherit settings from Faronics Default policy and customize the settings. Select Disable all services or Disable selected services. This setting is useful when you want to perform maintenance activities and you don’t want the Services to interfere in any way.
Select the services to be disabled for maintenance activities:
> Deep Freeze
> Anti-Virus
> Power Save
> Anti-Executable
> WINSelect
> Cloud Sync
Start Time – select when the maintenance will start.
End Time – select when the maintenance will end.
Specify the Maintenance Period Start Time/ End Time such that it does not conflict with the Start Time/End Time of the Deep Freeze Workstation Task. If there is a conflict between the Maintenance Period and Deep Freeze Workstation Task, you cannot save the policy without removing the conflict. Deep Freeze Cloud will display a warning message if there is a conflict.
Repeat on – select the days when the maintenance will repeat.
Automatically upgrade installed services if update is available – select this option if you want Deep Freeze Cloud to automatically upgrade the services on the computers if an update is available. If this option is selected, the administrator does not have to update the service manually or check for updates.
Perform service installs and updates only during this period – select this option if the services must be updated only during a maintenance period. If this option is selected, the services will not be updated when the computers check-in as per the heartbeat.
Perform Software Updater tasks – select this option to perform Software Updater tasks during the maintenance period.
Allow user to snooze task – Select this option to allow user to snooze maintenance mode.
Disable keyboard and mouse – select this option to disable the keyboard and mouse during the maintenance period.
Shutdown after maintenance period – select this option to shut down the computer after the maintenance period ends.
Show Message x minutes before the maintenance period starts – select this option and select the minutes before which the users must be notified.
> Display this message before the maintenance period – specify a message. This field cannot be blank.
> Display this message during the maintenance period – specify a message. This field cannot be blank.