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Windows Update Dashboard
The Windows Update Dashboard provides a general view of Windows Update activity across all computers.
To access the dashboard, go to Home > Windows Update Dashboard.
The dashboard alerts displays Windows Updates alerts about Vulnerable computers, outdated patch scans, and Critical and Security updates requiring approval.
Status Summary Tab
The Status Summary tab highlights the number of computers that are flagged as Vulnerable, and the number of patches currently missing in the environment.
The Status Summary tab provides the following key functionality:
Interconnected widgets: All the widgets are interconnected and selecting the values in one widget automatically changes all widgets and the values in the Computers grid. For example, if you select Security Patch Status as Highly Vulnerable, the Computers grid will show the computers that are missing 2 or more security or critical patches.
Multiple selections: You can select values in multiple widgets to filter the output. For example, you can select Security Patch Status as Highly Vulnerable and select a Tag. The result in the Computers grid will reflect all computers that are Highly Vulnerable with the specific tag. Click the Clear Filter icon to clear multiple selections.
The Status Summary tab is a visual representation of the following parameters:
Security Patch Status – Shows the breakdown on current Security status of computers:
> Up to date – When a computer has no Security and Critical category patch missing and has a patch scan status reported not older than 7 days.
> Vulnerable – If a computer has at least 1 Security or Critical category patch missing or has an outdated patch scan status (older than 7 days).
> Highly vulnerable – A computer has 2 or more Security or Critical category patches missing.
Patch Scan Status – Shows the breakdown of current patch status:
> Outdated – If a patch scan is older than 7 days
> Failed – If patch scan process has failed
> Initiated – If patch scan is in progress
> Successful – When the patch scan successfully completes on the device and is not older than 7 days
Missing Patches – Shows the breakdown of total patches (Approved, Not approved, Declined) missing across all computers.
> Critical Update
> Security Update
> Definition Update
> Update Rollup
> Service pack
> Tool
> Feature pack
> Update
> Drivers
> Microsoft
> Upgrades
Patches Pending Approval – Shows the breakdown of patches that are pending approval.
Group – Shows the number of computers assigned to each group.
Policy – Shows the number of computers assigned to each policy.
Tags – Select or clear the tags to filter the widgets and Computers grid accordingly.
Computers grid: Shows all the computers that match the widget selection on the dashboard. Click on the computer name to show the detailed view. You can select one or more computers in the grid and Initiate Patch Scan or Install Missing Patches.
> Initiate Patch Scan – This action will run a patch scan on the machine and update the current patch status of the computer to DF cloud.
> Install Missing Patches – This will force the machine to perform a Run Maintenance Period task where all patches that fulfill the installation criteria will be installed.
To successfully install missing patches:
1. Maintenance Period must be enabled under General Settings.
2. The Perform Software Updater tasks option must be enabled under the Maintenance Period.
Install missing patches will run maintenance during which it will only perform Windows Updates and not any other actions configured within the Maintenance Period.
You can export information to a PDF, image, or spreadsheet format by clicking the Export To icon at the top right of each widget.
Vulnerable Computers Tab
The Vulnerable Computers tab shows a list of computers with Security Patch Status flagged as Vulnerable or Highly Vulnerable.
You can arrange the list for each column in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column name. Enter a parameter in the Search field to search a particular column. You can also filter by clicking the filter icon.
Vulnerable Computers
This page shows the list of computers that are flagged as Vulnerable.
The following information is displayed:
Computer Name
Updates Managed by
OS Type
Last Patch Scan
Last Scan Status
Missing Patches
Failed Install
Security Patch Status
Next Maintenance Period
Click on the computer name to show the detailed view. Select one or more computers to Initiate Patch Scan or Install Missing Patches.
All Computers
This page shows the list of all computers that have Windows Update enabled.
The following information is displayed:
Computer Name
Updates Managed by
OS Type
Last Patch Scan
Last Scan Status
Missing Patches
Failed Install
Installed Patches
Select one or more computers to Initiate Patch Scan or Install Missing Patches.
Detailed View
This page shows detailed information for each computer managed by Software Updater or Deep Freeze. Click on the Computer Name field and type the computer name or select the computer from the drop-down list.
The following information is displayed for each selected computer:
Computer Name
Security Status
Managed by
OS Type
Last Patch Scan
Last Scan Status
The table shows information for the patches available for each computer:
Patch Name
Patch Type
Approval Status (Not applicable to computers managed by Deep Freeze)
Release Date
Install Status:
> Installed – The patch is currently installed on the computer.
> Not Installed – This patch has not been marked for install, either by patch approval or setting patch category to ‘Always install’.
> Install Failed – Installation was attempted but failed.
> Install Pending (for computers managed by Software Updater) – Marked for installation and will install in the next maintenance period.
> Install Deferred (for computers managed by Software Updater) – Patch install is deferred as defined in the policy. The deferred period is counted from the day of release of the patch and not from the time that the patch becomes applicable on the computer.
> Install Declined (for computers managed by Software Updater) – If patch approval status is set to Decline, this patch will have a declined install status for all computers.
Install Date
Missing Patches Tab
The Missing Patches tab shows a list of missing and all patches.
You can arrange the list for each column in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column name. Enter a parameter in the Search field to search a particular column. You can also filter by clicking the filter icon.
Missing Patches
This page lists all category/type patches currently missing across all computers.
The following information is displayed:
Patch Name
Patch Type
Approval Status
Approved By
Approved On
Missing Computers
Failed Computers
Release Date
Restart Required
Click on the patch name to show the detailed view. Select one or more patches and click Approve or Decline.
Approve – Select this option to approve the selected patches for installation on the online computers in the next scheduled Maintenance Period.
Approve and Install Now – Select this option to execute the assigned Maintenance Period on the online computers. Approved patches as well as missing patches that meet the installation criteria specified in the policy will be installed.
To successfully install missing patches:
1. Maintenance Period must be enabled under General Settings.
2. The Perform Software Updater tasks option must be enabled under the Maintenance Period.
Install missing patches will run maintenance during which it will only perform Windows Updates and not any other actions configured within the Maintenance Period.
Decline – Select this option to decline patches.
All Patches
This page shows a list of all patches that have been installed, missing, or failed on 1 or more computers.
The following information is displayed:
Patch Name
Patch Type
Restart Required
Approval Status
Approved By
Approved On
Missing Computers
Failed Computers
Installed Computers
Release Date
Click on the patch name to show the detailed view. Select one or more patches and click Approve or Decline.
Detailed View
This page shows detailed information for each patch. Click on the Patch Name field and select the patch from the drop-down list.
The following information is displayed for each patch:
Patch Name
Patch Type
Release Date
Approval Status
Click on the pencil icon to change the approval status for each patch. Click on the disk icon to save the changes made.
You can select to install approved patches by clicking the Install Now button at the end of the Patch Name field. This will execute the assigned Maintenance period on the online computers. Approved patches as well as missing patches that meet the installation criteria specified in the policy will be Installed.
You can select to approve and install declined patches or patches that are not approved by clicking the Approve and Install Now button at the end of the Patch Name field. This will execute the assigned Maintenance period on the online computers. Approved patches as well as missing patches that meet the installation criteria specified in the policy will be Installed.
The table shows a list of computers for where the patch is missing:
Computer Name
Updates Managed by
OS Type
Install Status
Install Date