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User Settings
Configure the following settings:
Trusted Users
Trusted users are the Windows User accounts or Groups that are authorized to manage the Local Control List, change protection mode and allow execution for unknown files.
Object Type – select whether a User or a Group.
User Name – specify the user name and click Add.
Enable Anti-Executable Password (Optional) – this will force the above authorized Anti-Executable users to also enter a password.
> AE Administrator User Password – specify the password. Click Show Password to make the password visible. The Administrator User can manage Local Control List, Users, and Setup and can uninstall Anti-Executable.
> AE Trusted User Password – Can configure Anti-Executable, and set the Local Control List. specify the password. Click Show Password to make the password visible. They are prohibited from uninstalling Anti-Executable and cannot manage Users or Setup.
User Alerts
Execution Control List violation message – enter a message or use the default message. This message is displayed to the user when there is a violation.
Blocked notification message – enter a message or use the default message. This message is displayed to the user when an executable is blocked from running.
Stealth Mode
Stealth Mode is a group of options that control visual indication of Anti-Executable's presence on a system. Stealth functionality has the following options:
Hide Notification – prevents the Alert from being displayed.
Hide icon on system tray – hides the Anti-Executable icon in the system tray.
Log to file – select the checkbox to create log files.
Number of log files – specify the number of log files (up to a maximum of 10). The logging information is stored in the files serially. For example, if there are 3 files A, B and C, Anti-Executable first writes the error logs to file A. Once file A is full, it starts writing to file B and finally file C. Once file C is full, the data in file A is erased and new logging data is written to it.
File size – Select the size of each file in MB. There can be a maximum of 10 log files of up to 10 MB each i.e. total 100 MB.