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EN : Using Deep Freeze Cloud Console : Remote Connect Service
Remote Connect Service
Access connected computers across dispersed networks via Deep Freeze Cloud.
To add Remote Connect to the Policy, go to Add Policy > Remote Connect > select Enable (install and inherit settings from Faronics Default policy) or Enable (Install and use below settings).
Selecting this option enables the Remote Connect function on all computers using this Policy.
Selecting Enable (install and inherit settings from Faronics Default policy) or Enable (Install and use below settings) installs Remote Connect on the computers whenever the computers check-in. The computers check-in based on the heartbeat specified in Cloud Agent Settings.
Enable (install and inherit settings from Faronics Default policy) – installs the service and inherits settings from the Faronics Default policy. Selecting this option saves time in configuring all the policy settings. Selecting this option makes the settings for the current policy read-only.
Enable (Install and use below settings) – installs the service and uses custom settings. Selecting this option will allow you to customize the settings for this service in the current policy.
Disable will not install the service or will uninstall the service from the computers whenever the computers check-in.
When the Remote Connect policy is enabled, the Ask for User Permission to Remotely Access Computer option will be enabled by default. One option (RDP or VNC) must be selected to be able to save the policy.
Once the Remote Connect service is installed, navigate to the Computers page and select a computer to remotely connect.
Select the Enable RDP Connection checkbox to allow remote access to the computer (including apps, files, network resources). The Ask for User Permission to Remotely Access Computer option will be enabled by default. This option will notify the users whenever an IT Admin tries to remote into the user’s computer.
Active user session will be locked out once a remote connection is established.
VNC allows you to remotely access computers and assist end users using VNC over Internet.
Select the Enable VNC Connection checkbox to allow remote access to the computer, and assign a VNC password.
The Ask for User Permission to Remotely Access Computer option will be enabled by default. This option will notify the users whenever an IT Admin tries to remote into the user’s computer.
Requesting user permission is recommended to avoid disrupting active users.
Enabling VNC connection will install UltraVNC on the computer once the policy is applied to a new computer.
If UltraVNC has been previously installed or already enabled in the Software Updater policy, it will be uninstalled and replaced with the password-protected version as per policy.
For Policies with Deep Freeze and/or Anti-Executable enabled and Remote Connect already installed, enabling VNC in the Remote Connect Policy or applying a new policy on a computer with VNC disabled requires running a maintenance period to install the VNC client.
Disabling VNC will not uninstall VNC from the computer.
User permission will be requested during remote connection if someone is logged into the computer.