Creating a New Schedule
1. Go to Deep Freeze On Demand > Assign Schedule > Manage Schedules.
2. Click Add Schedule. The Add Schedule window opens.
3. Define a Schedule Name. This is purely an identifier and will not be seen by users, but it must be unique.
4. Define what task(s) will be executed as part of the schedule:
> Task Type – use this field to select what task will be executed by the schedule. Your options are the following:
~ Combination Task – select this option to run multiple tasks within the same schedule. Additional controls will appear; see step
5 for further instructions.
~ Restart – reboots scheduled computers.
~ Shutdown – shuts down scheduled computers.
~ Wake-on-LAN – sends wake-up command to scheduled computers.
~ Reboot Frozen – reboots scheduled computers into Frozen state.
~ Reboot Thawed – reboots scheduled computers into Thawed state.
~ Reboot Thawed Locked – reboots scheduled computers into Thawed state, but locks out the keyboard and mouse. In this state, files can be modified remotely but not locally.
~ Send Message – sends a push message to scheduled computers. If you select this option, an empty field appears below; use this field to define the message text.
~ Run Windows Update – run Windows Update on scheduled computers.
~ Format ThawSpace – reformat one or more ThawSpaces on scheduled computers. If you select this option, use the Select Drive field that appears to select which ThawSpace(s) require formatting, and confirm that you are aware that existing data will be erased using the checkbox below.
| Note that using the Format ThawSpace command will irrevocably erase all existing data within affected ThawSpaces! |
~ Remote Launch – remotely launch an executable on scheduled computers. If you select this option, File Path or URL and Command Line Parameters fields appear. Use these fields to enter the location of the file on the scheduled computers to be executed, and define any command line parameters that should be incorporated into the launch command.
~ Push & Launch – push a locally available executable to scheduled computers and remotely launch it. If you select this option, File Path or URL and Command Line Parameters fields appear. Use these fields to enter the location of the file on your local computer or network to be executed, and define any command line parameters that should be incorporated into the launch command. Note that the file will be automatically removed from the scheduled computers after.
5. If you selected Combination Task as your Task Type, additional controls appear below to enable you to select up to five tasks to be part of the schedule.
> Use the Select Task field that appears to define the first task to be executed. The options are the same as for the Task Type field described above (except that Combination Task is not available), and note that additional fields may appear depending on what task is selected.
> To add another task to the schedule, click the + icon to add a new Select Task field. The schedule can include up to five tasks. Tasks will be executed in the order that they are listed.
> To remove a task, click the associated x icon.
6. Define when the tasks will occur by defining the following properties:
> Start Time – use this field to define when the task will start.
If you are creating a schedule with multiple tasks, each task will have its own Start Time. Define the time for each task normally, but note that all tasks must be started within a 20-hour window. For example, if the first task starts at 6:00am, the last task could start no later than 2:00am, 20 hours later.
> Frequency – use this field to define how frequently the schedule should be executed. Depending on what option you select, additional fields and controls appear that enable you to refine your choice.
Your options are as follows:
~ Daily – the schedule should be executed every day or every few days. For example, you could configure the schedule to run every day, or every fifth day.
~ Weekly – the schedule should be executed on certain days of the week, or on certain days every few weeks. For example, you could configure the schedule to run every day except Wednesday, or on every third Saturday and Monday.
~ Monthly – the schedule should be executed on a certain day of certain months. For example, you could configure the schedule to run on the 12th day of every month, or the second Tuesday of February and July.
~ One Time Only – when the current time reaches the Start Time, the schedule will be executed once. Note that the Start Time must be greater than the current time to use this option.
> Start Date – use this field to define the earliest date the schedule should take effect.
7. Click Add.