Pre-defining Wallpapers
Wallpapers are sets of background images that can be applied to enrolled devices. Each Wallpaper consists of two images–a home screen background, and a lock screen background–although both images can be the same if desired.
Before you can add Wallpapers to groups, you must first configure them. Wallpapers are available for both iOS and Android devices.
Adding a new Wallpaper
1. Go to MDM > Settings.
2. Click the Configurations tab if it is not already selected.
3. Locate the Wallpaper list. Click the Add button at the right of the list.
A Wallpaper window opens.
4. Define the Wallpaper properties:
> Name – use this field to define a name for the Wallpaper. The name is used only within the Deep Freeze Cloud Console for identification and will not be visible to device users.
> Home Image – the background image for the home screen. To define an image, click Choose Image to open a file browser, an use it to select a PNG image file.
> Use same image for both – select this option to use the Home Image as the background for both the home screen and lock screen. If selected, the contents of the Lock Image field will be ignored.
> Lock Image – the background image for the lock screen. To define an image, click Choose Image to open a file browser, an use it to select a PNG image file.
Note that if the Use same image for both option is enabled, this field is ignored.
5. Click OK.
Editing or deleting an existing Wallpaper
Any changes or deletions you make to existing Wallpapers will propagate to groups and devices using those Wallpapers.
1. Go to MDM > Settings.
2. Click the Configurations tab if it is not already selected.
3. Scroll through the list of Wallpapers and locate the one you want to edit or delete.
4. Edit or delete the Wallpaper as needed:
> To edit the Wallpaper, click the associated
icon in the Actions column of the table.
> To delete the Wallpaper, click the associated
icon in the Actions column of the table.